Spring is time to think ahead . . .

Spring is the season of growth, renewal, and repair. Advantage services help your turf and landscape recover from winter and look beautiful. Spring is also a great time to explore adding a new feature to your property. Schedule a lawn and/or landscaping consultation today.
Spring clean up services can include:
- Blow all beds removing leaves & debris from winter.
- Hand rake worst areas of lawn.
- Pick up twigs from lawn.
- Add and refresh bark, mulch, stone and gravel to enhance appearance and improve the growing environment.
- Rake off dead foliage from perennials in beds.
- Prune winter damage and renovate overgrown shrubs.
- Clean beds of any foreign material so they are ready for growing season.
- Seed or sod areas damaged from the winter.
- Install a colorful annual planting to accent your property.
- Highlight your landscaping with a lighting system to enhance the beauty and add safety and security to your property.
Visit our Seasonal News page for information about the importance of cleaning and sealing your patio and a word about landscape mulch . . . |